D'Angelo Marshall
- 20
- 05
- 00
- 11
- Heavyweight
- 1.95m
- Retired
- 111kg
- Curaçao
About D'AngeloAbout D'AngeloÂ
Power-punching light-heavyweight D'Angelo Marshall says he started kickboxing at a young age “just for fun” but soon knew that the sport was something he wanted to build a life in.
“I was born in Amsterdam and from a young age I was always into sports,” he recalls. “I started with judo. I liked to do judo, but after a couple years wanted something new and I started kickboxing. I had my first fight after a couple of years training and right from the first fight I knew this was meant for me.
“In school I wasn't the best student. It was difficult for me to pay attention because I most of the time I wasn't interested in what school had to teach. But in the evening, in the gym, I was the best student there. I rarely skipped kickboxing classes.”
Marshall decided that “a regular job would make me unhappy” and so resolved to become a successful professional fighter. That focus and determination took him all around Europe before bringing him to the attention of GLORY.