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Karim Ghajji

Karim Ghajji
  • 103
  • 18
  • 01
  • 53
Karim Ghajji
  • Welterweight
  • 1.78m
  • 76.8kg
  • 44
  • France


  • Glory Record

    • 1
    • 6
    • 0
    • 0
  • Average fight time

    Fight Duration (max. 15min)

  • Knockdown Ratio

    Knockdowns Landed / Absorbed

  • SLpM

    Strikes Landed per Minute

  • Striking Differential

    Difference SLpM and SApM

  • SApM

    Strikes Absorbed per Minute

  • Striking Accuracy

    Proportion of Strikes Landed


About KarimAbout Karim 

There are few fighters with an alter-ego like Ghajii’s. On the one hand he is a highly decorated kickboxer and the top of his weight class in his native France. On the other he is also a highly accomplished dancer and B-boy and equally respected in both worlds.

Ghajji’s dance career has embraced such things as a role in Romeo and Juliet at a prestigious Paris opera house. He has no love for his opponents though. When it comes to fighting he is merciless, always looking for a finish in as spectacular fashion as possible.

Unorthodox and always exciting, Ghajji trained karate as a youth and as an adult won the All-France Karate Cup four times. Ghajji has won at least one title or tournament every year since 2008 and in over 100 fights has lost only a handful of them, and then only the very best opposition available.